Galerie Hubert Winter

Franz Vana
21. October – 19. November 2016
Die halb abgenagten Skelette und Panzer von anderen seltsamen Geschöpfen liegen ebenfalls dort und warten auf den nächsten Morgen und die Möwen.
Die letzten Zeilen. In: T. C. Boyle, Tod durch Ertrinken. (1979). Dt. v. A. Grube. München, DTV, 1997.

Everything flows, and is formed as a fleeting image. Time itself, also, glides, in its continual motion, no differently than a river. (Ovid, Metamorphoses)

Franz Vana is one of the artists associated to the gallery the longest. In 1984, when he served “Erregte Kongomilch” in his first solo exhibition in the branch of the gallery in Düsseldorf, many thought that being human means being a slave to its brain. But how far this was from truth, was it “just” a productive recycling of an “essential and incurable disorder “ (Kant).
That the dreamy realism of Vana’s works was met with such incomprehension could not have been anticipated. Since then, Vana stuck with the authentic, collectors of his works hold a work of pure originality in their hands. The works we present are as beautiful as a chance encounter of a weight with a brush on canvas (borrowed from Lautréamont).
And when we have successfully overridden the many pitfalls, we find ourselves in the moat of Rauchwart, which bears the name “is that art?”.

Franz Vana, born 1951 in Bad Tatzmannsdorf/Burgenland, lives and works in Rauchwart/Burgenland and Vienna.