Galerie Hubert Winter

Ingo Nussbaumer
26. April – 15. June 2013
Ob die Dinge sich so entwickeln werden, weiß ich nicht. Niemand weiß es. Aber über unsere Grenzen werden wir nur durch furchtloses Denken und Tun etwas erfahren. Nur durch die rationale Beschäftigung mit Theorien - und seien es solche, die uns in seltsame, wenig vertraute Bereiche entführen - haben wir eine Chance, die ganze Weite der Wirklichkeit zum Vorschein zu bringen.
Die letzten Zeilen. In: Brian Greene, Die verborgene Wirklichkeit. Paralleluniversen und die Gesetze des Kosmos. Dt. v. S.Vogel. München, Siedler, 2012.

Ingo Nussbaumer is not only proficient in absolute geometry, it is also color that appoints his artistical and theoretical work. There is no way of avoiding Goethe, who speaks in his theory of color about the aesthetic and moral effect of color. Colors are able to record and express the vaguest and the strongest movements of the soul and simultaneously they claim dedication to the depth and to the abundance of their character. Their area stays mysterious and unseizable.

Galerie Hubert Winter will present new works by the Viennese artist Ingo Nussbaumer: four paintings, four watercolors and a staggered object. The last one mentioned consists of seven panels. It is titled „Bild-Abnahme“ (picture-abatement) and relates to Jaques-Luis David´s „Oath of the Horatii (Le Serment des Horaces)“ from 1784 (Louvre, Paris). This is the first part of a larger project that the artists calls „Die Befreiung der Horatier“ (The release of the Horatii)“. Ingo Nussbaumer focuses on the geometrical composition that was developed in the French Age of Enlightment and expresses the beginning to autonomy of geometry in paintings. (please compare to Hans Körner, Auf der Suche nach der ‚wahren Einheit‘. Ganzheitsvorstellungen in der französischen Malerei und Kunstliteratur. Munich 1988)

The watercolors are from the series „Kaspar Hauser’s Versuch die befohlene Tonlage zu torpedieren“(Kaspar Hausers´attempt to torpedo the ordered theme). It is the sentence that Kaspar Hauser was taught by the stranger who kept him „A söchtener Reuter möcht i wern, wie mein Voater gwen is“(I want to be a cavalryman, as my father was) that became for him a universal applicable explication, usable for various meanings. Ingo Nussbaumer modulates the theme figurative on the basis of a leading structure.

  • Review: DER STANDARD, 16.05.2013 (JPG)
  • Review:, 26.05.2013 (PDF)